Today was orientation day at the Guggenheim. All the interns met over a café and a brioche and they're very friendly and interesting, coming from places as diverse as Moscow and Basel. It's a very international crowd.
The day consisted of a whole series of talks and presentations about the ins and outs of the gallery in an underground library that at times felt not unlike a bunker. First up was the director of the gallery; a short and energetic man, he encouraged us to get out and see Venice at a time when, “there's more art crammed in here than there is in the entire universe”. Then there was the full fire and electricity brief from Valerio, a Venetian in his late 60s, sporting a deep red 'tan' and gaudy golden jewellery who proceeded to give us a chemistry lesson, explaining all about the fire triangle. He was very keen to alert us to the ever present risk of fire, and couldn't resist a cheeky sexist digression about how women faint if they stand up too long and something to the effect that it's much better when they're on maternity leave.
Head of retail was to follow. He gave us a real insight into the facts and figures of the museum. The Peggy Guggenheim shop makes 1 million euros alone a year, selling among other things 80-90, 000 postcards and almost 5,000 rubbers!
A bit startled and far too overloaded with information we were given a comprehensive tour of the museum, including the temperamental photocopier called Bilbo. The collection is eye-poppingly impressive. Every new room you walk into you see a work of 20th Century art that is instantly recognisable.
It was Aperol all round in Campo Santa Margarita as we relaxed and chatted in the early evening sun.
I've just moved to the island of Giudecca where I'll be staying for July. My flat is very modern and fairly non-descript but I can't complain. I've just spent a wonderful evening with two interns: Andrew, from Toronto and Diane from Basel. We sat around admiring the Giacomettian properties of carrots while a lightening storm raged in the background, sipping grape-flavoured artisan tea. Yep, I'm definitely on a 'yah abroad'.